2024 Garden Updates

September 13th - Meet at the Garden!

Garden Club meets 9:30 am -12:30 pm

Here's a few reminders:

• There is limited bathroom availability. Bathroom use is for emergencies only. Please have your child use the bathroom before coming to garden club!

• Please send your child with a hefty lunch and a very large water bottle. We work hard and sometimes it gets very hot. A small plastic water bottle is not enough water so please send your child prepared with extra water and enough to eat. 

• Please send your child prepared with sunscreen and bug spray if needed! Also if the weather is chilly please send them with a sweatshirt or jacket. We may need to dress in layers at the beginning of the season. 

You can check this page for updates on our location each week. In case of bad weather, we will update this page by 8:00 am each Friday so you know where Garden Club will be held!